Understanding the Natural Lash Growth Cycle and Its Impact on Lash Extension Retention

As you embark on your journey to become a skilled lash artist, it's crucial to understand the natural lash growth cycle and its profound effect on lash extension retention. By grasping this concept, you'll be better equipped to provide your clients with longer-lasting and stunning lash extensions. So, let's dive intoa few details of eyelash growth!


The Natural Lash Growth Cycle:

To comprehend lash extension retention, we must first understand the natural lash growth cycle. It consists of three main phases:

a. Anagen (Growth Phase): During this phase, individual lashes actively grow. New lashes push out the old ones, gradually replacing them. The duration of the anagen phase varies for each person, typically lasting between 30 to 45 days.

b. Catagen (Transition Phase): In this short phase, the lash follicle shrinks, and the lash stops growing. It prepares for the next phase.

c. Telogen (Resting Phase): During the telogen phase, the lash rests and remains in the follicle until it sheds naturally. This phase lasts for about 100 days, and approximately 10-15% of lashes are in this phase at any given time.


Impact on Lash Extension Retention:

Now that we understand the natural lash growth cycle, let's explore its influence on lash extension retention. Lash extensions are applied to individual natural lashes, and their lifespan is directly linked to the growth cycle. Here's how it works:

a. Initial Application: When lash extensions are applied, they bond to the natural lashes during the anagen phase. Since these lashes are in the active growth stage, extensions can last longer without premature shedding.

b. Shedding and Lash Extension Lifespan: As the natural lashes complete their growth cycle and enter the telogen phase, they eventually shed. This shedding is a normal part of the cycle, and lash extensions attached to these shedding lashes will fall out naturally. On average, people shed 1-5 natural lashes per day.

c. Lash Fills: Due to the natural lash shedding, clients will require regular lash fills to maintain a full and luscious look. During fills, new extensions are applied to the regrown lashes in the anagen phase, ensuring a seamless and continuous lash appearance.

Educating Clients on Lash Care:

As a lash technician, it's essential to educate your clients about the natural lash growth cycle and its impact on lash extension retention. Here are some key points to discuss:

a. Setting Realistic Expectations: Help your clients understand that lash extensions will naturally shed as part of the growth cycle. It's normal to experience some loss and require regular fills to maintain the desired lash volume.

b. Proper Aftercare: Emphasize the significance of gentle lash care and proper maintenance routines. Advise clients to avoid excessive rubbing or pulling on their lashes, as this can cause premature shedding.

c. Regular Infills: Encourage clients to schedule regular infill appointments to keep their lash extensions looking fresh and ensure a continuous lash appearance. This will help maintain the desired lash density as new lashes grow in.

 Understanding the natural lash growth cycle and its impact on lash extension retention is fundamental for aspiring and beginner lash technicians. By comprehending the different phases of lash growth and educating your clients about proper aftercare, you can provide them with beautiful, long-lasting lash extensions. Remember, a knowledgeable and caring approach will not only enhance your skills as a lash artist but also build trust and satisfaction among your clients. 

And always remember Clean lashes are longer lasting lashes!